Mark-recapture distance sampling

Analysis of double observer data to estimate g(0).

M. Louise Burt (CREEM, Univ of St Andrews)

Table of Contents

This example looks at mark-recapture distance sampling (MRDS) models. The first part of this exercise involves analysis of a survey of a known number of golf tees. This is intended mainly to familiarise you with the double-platform data structure and analysis features in the R function mrds (Laake, Borchers, Thomas, Miller, & Bishop, 2019).

To help understand the terminology using in MRDS and the output produced by mrds, there is a guide available at this link called ‘Interpreting MRDS output: making sense of all the numbers’.


The aims of this practical are to learn how to model

Golf tee data

These data come from a survey of golf tees which conducted by statistics students at the University of St Andrews. The data were collected along transect lines, 210 metres in total. A distance of 4 metres out from the centre line was searched and, for the purposes of this exercise, we assume that this comprised the total study area, which was divided into two strata. There were 250 clusters of tees in total and 760 individual tees in total.

The population was independently surveyed by two observer teams. The following data were recorded for each detected group: perpendicular distance, cluster size, observer (team 1 or 2), ‘sex’ (males are yellow and females are green and golf tees occur in single-sex clusters) and ‘exposure’. Exposure was a subjective judgment of whether the cluster was substantially obscured by grass (exposure=0) or not (exposure=1). The lengths of grass varied along the transect line and the grass was slightly more yellow along one part of the line compared to the rest.

The golf tee dataset is provided as part of the mrds package.

Open R and load the mrds package and golf tee dataset (called The elements required for an MRDS analysis are contained within the object dataset. These data are in a hierarchical structure (rather than in a ‘flat file’ format) so that there are separate elements for observations, samples and regions. In the code below, each of these tables is extracted to avoid typing long names.

# Access the golf tee data
# Investigate the structure of the dataset

List of 4
 $ book.tee.dataframe:'data.frame': 324 obs. of  7 variables:
  ..$ object  : num [1:324] 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 ...
  ..$ observer: Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ...
  ..$ detected: num [1:324] 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 ...
  ..$ distance: num [1:324] 2.68 2.68 3.33 3.33 0.34 0.34 2.53 2.53 1.46 1.46 ...
  ..$ size    : num [1:324] 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 ...
  ..$ sex     : num [1:324] 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 ...
  ..$ exposure: num [1:324] 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 ...
 $ book.tee.region   :'data.frame': 2 obs. of  2 variables:
  ..$ Region.Label: Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": 1 2
  ..$ Area        : num [1:2] 1040 640
 $ book.tee.samples  :'data.frame': 11 obs. of  3 variables:
  ..$ Sample.Label: num [1:11] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
  ..$ Region.Label: Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 ...
  ..$ Effort      : num [1:11] 10 30 30 27 21 12 23 23 15 12 ...
 $ book.tee.obs      :'data.frame': 162 obs. of  3 variables:
  ..$ object      : int [1:162] 1 2 3 21 22 23 24 59 60 61 ...
  ..$ Region.Label: int [1:162] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
  ..$ Sample.Label: int [1:162] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...

# Extract the list elements from the dataset into easy-to-access objects
detections <-$book.tee.dataframe # detection information
region <-$book.tee.region # region info
samples <-$book.tee.samples # transect info
obs <-$book.tee.obs # links detections to transects and regions

Examine the columns in the detections data because it has a particular structure.

# Check detections

   object observer detected distance size sex exposure
1       1        1        1     2.68    2   1        1
21      1        2        0     2.68    2   1        1
2       2        1        1     3.33    2   1        0
22      2        2        0     3.33    2   1        0
3       3        1        1     0.34    1   0        0
23      3        2        0     0.34    1   0        0

The structure of the detection is as follows:

To ensure that the variables sex and exposure are treated correctly, define them as factor variables.

# Define sex and exposure as factor variables 
detections$sex <- as.factor(detections$sex)
detections$exposure <- as.factor(detections$exposure)

Golf tee survey analyses

Estimation of \(p(0)\): distance only

We will start by analysing these data assuming that Observer 2 was generating trials for Observer 1 but not vice versa, i.e. trial configuration where Observer 1 is the primary and Observer 2 is the tracker. (The data could also be analysed in independent observer configuration - you are welcome to try this for yourself). We begin by assuming full independence (i.e. detections between observers are independent at all distances): this requires only a mark-recapture (MR) model and, to start with, perpendicular distance will be included as the only covariate.

# Fit trial configuration with full independence model <- ddf(method='', mrmodel=~glm(link='logit',formula=~distance),

Examining mrds output

Having fitted the model, we can create tables summarizing the detection data. In the commands below, the tables are created using the det.tables function and saved to detection.tables.

# Create a set of tables summarizing the double observer data 
detection.tables <- det.tables(
# Print these detection tables

Observer 1 detections
            Missed Detected
  [0,0.4]        1       25
  (0.4,0.8]      2       16
  (0.8,1.2]      2       16
  (1.2,1.6]      6       22
  (1.6,2]        5        9
  (2,2.4]        2       10
  (2.4,2.8]      6       12
  (2.8,3.2]      6        9
  (3.2,3.6]      2        3
  (3.6,4]        6        2

Observer 2 detections
            Missed Detected
  [0,0.4]        4       22
  (0.4,0.8]      1       17
  (0.8,1.2]      0       18
  (1.2,1.6]      2       26
  (1.6,2]        1       13
  (2,2.4]        2       10
  (2.4,2.8]      3       15
  (2.8,3.2]      4       11
  (3.2,3.6]      2        3
  (3.6,4]        1        7

Duplicate detections

  [0,0.4] (0.4,0.8] (0.8,1.2] (1.2,1.6]   (1.6,2]   (2,2.4] (2.4,2.8] 
       21        15        16        20         8         8         9 
(2.8,3.2] (3.2,3.6]   (3.6,4] 
        5         1         1 

Observer 1 detections of those seen by Observer 2
          Missed Detected Prop. detected
[0,0.4]        1       21      0.9545455
(0.4,0.8]      2       15      0.8823529
(0.8,1.2]      2       16      0.8888889
(1.2,1.6]      6       20      0.7692308
(1.6,2]        5        8      0.6153846
(2,2.4]        2        8      0.8000000
(2.4,2.8]      6        9      0.6000000
(2.8,3.2]      6        5      0.4545455
(3.2,3.6]      2        1      0.3333333
(3.6,4]        6        1      0.1428571

The information in detection summary tables can be plotted, but, in the interest of space, only one (out of six possible plots) is shown (Figure 1).

# Plot detection information, change number to see other plots
plot(detection.tables, which=1)
Detection distances for observer 1

Figure 1: Detection distances for observer 1

The plot numbers are:

  1. Histograms of distances for detections by either, or both, observers. The shaded regions show the number for observer 1.
  2. Histograms of distances for detections by either, or both, observers. The shaded regions show the number for observer 2.
  3. Histograms of distances for duplicates (detected by both observers).
  4. Histogram of distances for detections by either, or both, observers. Not shown for trial configuration.
  5. Histograms of distances for observer 2. The shaded regions indicate the number of duplicates - for example, the shaded region is the number of clusters in each distance bin that were detected by Observer 1 given that they were also detected by Observer 2 (the “|” symbol in the plot legend means “given that”).
  6. Histograms of distances for observer 1. The shaded regions indicate the number of duplicates as for plot 5. Not shown for trial configuration.

Note that if an independent observer configuration had been chosen, all plots would be available.

A summary of the detection function model is available using the summary function. The Q-Q plot has the same interpretation as a Q-Q plot in a conventional, single platform analysis (Figure 2).

# Produce a summary of the fitted detection function object

Summary for object 
Number of observations               :  162 
Number seen by primary               :  124 
Number seen by secondary (trials)    :  142 
Number seen by both (detected trials):  104 
AIC                                  :  452.8094 

Conditional detection function parameters:
             estimate        se
(Intercept)  2.900233 0.4876238
distance    -1.058677 0.2235722

                        Estimate          SE         CV
Average p              0.6423252  0.04069409 0.06335434
Average primary p(0)   0.9478579  0.06109655 0.06445750
N in covered region  193.0486185 15.84826458 0.08209468

# Produce goodness of fit statistics and a qq plot
gof.result <- ddf.gof(, 
                      main="Full independence, trial configuration\ngoodness of fit Golf tee data")
Fitted detection function for full independence, trial mode.

Figure 2: Fitted detection function for full independence, trial mode.

# Extract chi-square statistics for reporting
chi.distance <- gof.result$chisquare$chi1$chisq
chi.markrecap <- gof.result$chisquare$chi2$chisq <- gof.result$chisquare$pooled.chi

Abbreviated \(\chi^2\) goodness-of-fit assessment shows the \(\chi^2\) contribution from the distance sampling model to be 11.5 and the \(\chi^2\) contribution from the mark-recapture model to be 3.4. The combination of these elements produces a total \(\chi^2\) of 14.9 with 17 degrees of freedom, resulting in a \(p\)-value of 0.604

The (two) detection functions can be plotted (Figure 3).

# Divide the plot region into 2 columns
# Plot detection functions
Observer 1 detection function (left) and conditional detection probabilty plot (right).

Figure 3: Observer 1 detection function (left) and conditional detection probabilty plot (right).


The plot labelled

There is some evidence of unmodelled heterogeneity in that the fitted line in the left-hand plot declines more slowly than the histogram as the distance increases.

Estimating abundance

Abundance is estimated using the dht function. In this function, we need to supply information about the transects and survey regions.

# Calculate density estimates using the dht function
tee.abund <- dht(, region.table=region, sample.table=samples, obs.table=obs)
# Print out results in a nice format
knitr::kable(tee.abund$individuals$summary, digits=2, 
      caption="Survey summary statistics for golftees")
Table 1: Survey summary statistics for golftees
Region Area CoveredArea Effort n ER se.ER cv.ER mean.size se.mean
1 1040 1040 130 229 1.76 0.12 0.07 3.18 0.21
2 640 640 80 152 1.90 0.33 0.18 2.92 0.23
Total 1680 1680 210 381 1.81 0.14 0.08 3.07 0.15

knitr::kable(tee.abund$individuals$N, digits=2, 
      caption="Abundance estimates for golftee population with two strata")
Table 1: Abundance estimates for golftee population with two strata
Label Estimate se cv lcl ucl df
1 356.52 32.35 0.09 294.54 431.53 17.13
2 236.64 44.14 0.19 147.33 380.09 5.06
Total 593.16 60.38 0.10 478.32 735.57 16.06

The estimated abundance is 593 (recall that the true abundance is 760) and so this estimate is negatively biased. The 95% confidence interval does not include the true value.

Estimation of p(0): distance and other explanatory variables

How about including the other covariates, size, sex and exposure, in the MR model? Which MR model would you use? In the command below, distance and sex are included in the detection function - remember sex was defined as a factor earlier on.

In the code below, all possible models (excluding interaction terms) are fitted.

# Full independence model
# Set up list with possible models
mr.formula <- c("~distance","~distance+size","~distance+sex","~distance+exposure",
                "~distance+size+sex+exposure") <- length(mr.formula)
# Create dataframe to store results
fi.results <- data.frame(MRmodel=mr.formula, AIC=rep(NA,
# Loop through all MR models
for (i in {
  fi.model  <- ddf(method='', 
  fi.results$AIC[i] <- summary(fi.model)$aic
# Calculate delta AIC
fi.results$deltaAIC <- fi.results$AIC - min(fi.results$AIC)
# Order by delta AIC
fi.results <- fi.results[order(fi.results$deltaAIC), ]
# Print results in pretty way
knitr::kable(fi.results, digits=2)
MRmodel AIC deltaAIC
7 ~distance+sex+exposure 405.68 0.00
8 ~distance+size+sex+exposure 407.40 1.72
4 ~distance+exposure 433.72 28.04
3 ~distance+sex 434.41 28.74
6 ~distance+size+exposure 435.33 29.65
5 ~distance+size+sex 436.02 30.34
1 ~distance 452.81 47.13
2 ~distance+size 454.58 48.91

# Fit chosen model  <- ddf(method='', mrmodel=~glm(link='logit',formula=~distance+sex+exposure),

We see that the preferred model contains distance + sex + exposure so check the goodness-of-fit statistics (Figure 4) and detection function plots (Figure 5).

# Check goodness-of-fit 
ddf.gof(, main="FI trial mode\nMR=dist+sex+exp")
Preferred model goodness of fit.

Figure 4: Preferred model goodness of fit.

Goodness of fit results for ddf object

Chi-square tests

Distance sampling component:
            [0,0.4]  (0.4,0.8]  (0.8,1.2] (1.2,1.6]   (1.6,2]
Observed  25.000000 16.0000000 16.0000000 22.000000  9.000000
Expected  20.276214 19.3414709 18.0737423 16.344635 14.082691
Chisquare  1.100509  0.5772792  0.2379367  1.956798  1.834432
             (2,2.4]  (2.4,2.8] (2.8,3.2] (3.2,3.6]  (3.6,4]
Observed  10.0000000 12.0000000 9.0000000 3.0000000 2.000000
Expected  11.5105010  9.0462873 6.9147393 5.0438158 3.365904
Chisquare  0.1982202  0.9644198 0.6288469 0.8281791 0.554292
Observed  124.000000
Expected  124.000000
Chisquare   8.880913

No degrees of freedom for test

Mark-recapture component:
Capture History 01
             [0,0.4]  (0.4,0.8] (0.8,1.2]  (1.2,1.6]   (1.6,2]
Observed  1.00000000 2.00000000 2.0000000 6.00000000 5.0000000
Expected  0.85161169 1.61345653 1.5784634 6.25617270 4.2054953
Chisquare 0.02585579 0.09260606 0.1125735 0.01048955 0.1500983
           (2,2.4]  (2.4,2.8]  (2.8,3.2] (3.2,3.6]   (3.6,4]
Observed  2.000000 6.00000000 6.00000000  2.000000 6.0000000
Expected  4.014580 6.11790214 6.76552359  1.599467 4.9973276
Chisquare 1.010948 0.00227217 0.08661952  0.100300 0.2011779
Observed  38.000000
Expected  38.000000
Chisquare  1.792941
Capture History 11
               [0,0.4]    (0.4,0.8]   (0.8,1.2]    (1.2,1.6]
Observed  21.000000000 15.000000000 16.00000000 20.000000000
Expected  21.148388313 15.386543475 16.42153664 19.743827301
Chisquare  0.001041171  0.009710814  0.01082074  0.003323796
             (1.6,2]   (2,2.4]   (2.4,2.8] (2.8,3.2] (3.2,3.6]
Observed  8.00000000 8.0000000 9.000000000 5.0000000 1.0000000
Expected  8.79450467 5.9854201 8.882097863 4.2344764 1.4005328
Chisquare 0.07177638 0.6780697 0.001565048 0.1383941 0.1145468
            (3.6,4]      Total
Observed  1.0000000 104.000000
Expected  2.0026724 104.000000
Chisquare 0.5020052   1.531254

Total chi-square = 12.205  P = 0.66344 with 15 degrees of freedom

Distance sampling Cramer-von Mises test (unweighted)
Test statistic = 0.0976947 p-value = 0.596294

Detection functions for full independence model with distance, sex and exposure in MR component.

Figure 5: Detection functions for full independence model with distance, sex and exposure in MR component.

And produce abundance estimates.

# Get abundance estimates <- dht(, region.table=region,
                    sample.table=samples, obs.table=obs)
# Print results

Summary for clusters

Summary statistics:
  Region Area CoveredArea Effort   n  k        ER      se.ER
1      1 1040        1040    130  72  6 0.5538462 0.02926903
2      2  640         640     80  52  5 0.6500000 0.08292740
3  Total 1680        1680    210 124 11 0.5904762 0.03884115
1 0.05284685
2 0.12758061
3 0.06577936

  Label  Estimate       se        cv       lcl      ucl        df
1     1 119.28976 14.18665 0.1189260  91.64686 155.2704 10.124933
2     2  98.17731 18.59356 0.1893876  63.58200 151.5961  7.838438
3 Total 217.46707 26.05226 0.1197986 169.90392 278.3451 23.213663

  Label  Estimate         se        cv        lcl       ucl        df
1     1 0.1147017 0.01364101 0.1189260 0.08812198 0.1492985 10.124933
2     2 0.1534020 0.02905244 0.1893876 0.09934687 0.2368689  7.838438
3 Total 0.1294447 0.01550730 0.1197986 0.10113328 0.1656816 23.213663

Summary for individuals

Summary statistics:
  Region Area CoveredArea Effort   n       ER     se.ER      cv.ER
1      1 1040        1040    130 229 1.761538 0.1165805 0.06618107
2      2  640         640     80 152 1.900000 0.3342319 0.17591151
3  Total 1680        1680    210 381 1.814286 0.1391400 0.07669132
  mean.size   se.mean
1  3.180556 0.2086982
2  2.923077 0.2261991
3  3.072581 0.1537082

  Label Estimate       se        cv      lcl      ucl        df
1     1 371.0397 37.86856 0.1020607 297.1733 463.2666 11.904078
2     2 279.7141 67.25221 0.2404320 154.4960 506.4208  5.482653
3 Total 650.7538 82.72648 0.1271241 493.7469 857.6875 11.907386

  Label  Estimate         se        cv       lcl       ucl        df
1     1 0.3567690 0.03641207 0.1020607 0.2857436 0.4454487 11.904078
2     2 0.4370533 0.10508158 0.2404320 0.2414000 0.7912825  5.482653
3 Total 0.3873535 0.04924195 0.1271241 0.2938970 0.5105283 11.907386

Expected cluster size
  Region Expected.S se.Expected.S cv.Expected.S
1      1   3.110407     0.2740170    0.08809682
2      2   2.849071     0.2211204    0.07761141
3  Total   2.992425     0.1758058    0.05875027

This model incorporates the effect of more variables causing the heterogeneity. The estimated abundance is 651 which is less biased than the previous estimate and the 95% confidence interval (494, 858) contains the true value.

The model is a reasonable fit to the data (i.e. non-significant \(\chi^2\) and Cramer von Mises tests). This model has a lower AIC (405.7) than the model with only distance (452.81) and so is to be preferred.

Point independence

A less restrictive assumption than full independence is point independence, which assumes that detections are only independent on the transect centre line i.e. at perpendicular distance zero (Buckland, Laake, & Borchers, 2010).

Determine if a simple point independence model is better than a simple full independence one. This requires that a distance sampling (DS) model is specified as well a MR model. Here we try a half-normal key function for the DS model (Figure 6).

# Fit trial configuration with point independence model <- ddf(method='trial', 
                  mrmodel=~glm(link='logit', formula=~distance),
# Summary pf the model 

Summary for object 
Number of observations               :  162 
Number seen by primary               :  124 
Number seen by secondary (trials)    :  142 
Number seen by both (detected trials):  104 
AIC                                  :  140.8887 

Conditional detection function parameters:
             estimate        se
(Intercept)  2.900233 0.4876238
distance    -1.058677 0.2235722

                      Estimate         SE         CV
Average primary p(0) 0.9478579 0.02409999 0.02542574

Summary for ds object 
Number of observations :  124 
Distance range         :  0  -  4 
AIC                    :  311.1385 

Detection function:
 Half-normal key function 

Detection function parameters 
Scale coefficient(s):  
             estimate         se
(Intercept) 0.6632435 0.09981249

           Estimate         SE         CV
Average p 0.5842744 0.04637627 0.07937413

Summary for trial object

Total AIC value =  452.0272 
                       Estimate          SE         CV
Average p             0.5538091  0.04615833 0.08334699
N in covered region 223.9038534 22.99246702 0.10268902

# Produce goodness of fit statistics and a qq plot
gof.results <- ddf.gof(, 
                       main="Point independence, trial configuration\n goodness of fit Golftee data")
Point independence model in trial configuration goodness of fit.

Figure 6: Point independence model in trial configuration goodness of fit.

The AIC for this point independence model is 452.03 which is marginally smaller than the first full independence model that was fitted and hence is to be preferred.

# Get abundance estimates 
tee.abund.pi <- dht(, region.table=region,
                    sample.table=samples, obs.table=obs)
# Print results

Summary for clusters

Summary statistics:
  Region Area CoveredArea Effort   n  k        ER      se.ER
1      1 1040        1040    130  72  6 0.5538462 0.02926903
2      2  640         640     80  52  5 0.6500000 0.08292740
3  Total 1680        1680    210 124 11 0.5904762 0.03884115
1 0.05284685
2 0.12758061
3 0.06577936

  Label  Estimate       se         cv       lcl      ucl        df
1     1 130.00869 12.83042 0.09868896 106.66570 158.4601 48.427796
2     2  93.89516 14.30894 0.15239269  66.25307 133.0701  8.094139
3 Total 223.90385 23.21563 0.10368569 181.78332 275.7840 44.038283

  Label  Estimate         se         cv       lcl       ucl        df
1     1 0.1250084 0.01233694 0.09868896 0.1025632 0.1523655 48.427796
2     2 0.1467112 0.02235771 0.15239269 0.1035204 0.2079220  8.094139
3 Total 0.1332761 0.01381882 0.10368569 0.1082044 0.1641572 44.038283

Summary for individuals

Summary statistics:
  Region Area CoveredArea Effort   n       ER     se.ER      cv.ER
1      1 1040        1040    130 229 1.761538 0.1165805 0.06618107
2      2  640         640     80 152 1.900000 0.3342319 0.17591151
3  Total 1680        1680    210 381 1.814286 0.1391400 0.07669132
  mean.size   se.mean
1  3.180556 0.2086982
2  2.923077 0.2261991
3  3.072581 0.1537082

  Label Estimate       se        cv      lcl      ucl       df
1     1 413.4999 44.00745 0.1064268 332.9536 513.5314 30.28937
2     2 274.4628 53.42627 0.1946576 171.1754 440.0740  5.98750
3 Total 687.9626 79.79845 0.1159924 542.4532 872.5040 25.99319

  Label  Estimate         se        cv       lcl       ucl       df
1     1 0.3975960 0.04231485 0.1064268 0.3201477 0.4937801 30.28937
2     2 0.4288481 0.08347854 0.1946576 0.2674615 0.6876156  5.98750
3 Total 0.4095016 0.04749908 0.1159924 0.3228888 0.5193476 25.99319

Expected cluster size
  Region Expected.S se.Expected.S cv.Expected.S
1      1   3.180556     0.2114629    0.06648615
2      2   2.923077     0.1750319    0.05987935
3  Total   3.072581     0.1391365    0.04528327

This results in an estimated abundance of 688. Can we do better if more covariates are included in the DS model?

Covariates in the DS model

To include covariates in the DS detection function, we need to specify an MCDS model as follows:

# Fit the PI-trial model - DS sex and MR distance <- ddf(method='trial', 

Use the summary function to check the AIC and decide if you are going to include any additional covariates in the detection function.

Now try a point independence model that has the preferred MR model from your full independence analyses.

# Point independence model, Include covariates in DS model
# Use selected MR model, iterate across DS models
ds.formula <- c("~size","~sex","~exposure","~size+sex","~size+exposure","~sex+exposure",
num.ds.models <- length(ds.formula)
# Create dataframe to store results
pi.results <- data.frame(DSmodel=ds.formula, AIC=rep(NA,num.ds.models))
# Loop through ds models - use selected MR model from earlier
for (i in 1:num.ds.models) {
  pi.model <- ddf(method='trial', mrmodel=~glm(link='logit',formula=~distance+sex+exposure),
  pi.results$AIC[i] <- summary(pi.model)$AIC
# Calculate delta AIC
pi.results$deltaAIC <- pi.results$AIC - min(pi.results$AIC)
# Order by delta AIC
pi.results <- pi.results[order(pi.results$deltaAIC), ]
knitr::kable(pi.results, digits = 2)
DSmodel AIC deltaAIC
2 ~sex 399.26 0.00
6 ~sex+exposure 400.28 1.02
4 ~size+sex 401.06 1.80
7 ~size+sex+exposure 401.94 2.69
1 ~size 407.92 8.66
3 ~exposure 407.97 8.72
5 ~size+exposure 409.89 10.63

This indicates that sex should be included in the DS model. We do this and check the goodness of fit and obtain abundance (Figure 7).

# Fit chosen model <- ddf(method='trial', mrmodel=~glm(link='logit',formula=~distance+sex+exposure),
                dsmodel=~mcds(key='hn',formula=~sex), data=detections,  

Summary for object 
Number of observations               :  162 
Number seen by primary               :  124 
Number seen by secondary (trials)    :  142 
Number seen by both (detected trials):  104 
AIC                                  :  94.89911 

Conditional detection function parameters:
              estimate        se
(Intercept)  0.7870962 0.6774633
distance    -1.9435496 0.3706866
sex1         2.8059863 0.6828331
exposure1    3.6094527 0.7332797

                      Estimate         SE         CV
Average primary p(0) 0.9697357 0.02018876 0.02081883

Summary for ds object 
Number of observations :  124 
Distance range         :  0  -  4 
AIC                    :  304.3594 

Detection function:
 Half-normal key function 

Detection function parameters 
Scale coefficient(s):  
             estimate        se
(Intercept) 0.2525377 0.1327279
sex1        0.5832341 0.2041197

           Estimate         SE         CV
Average p 0.5605421 0.04616396 0.08235592

Summary for trial object

Total AIC value =  399.2585 
                       Estimate          SE         CV
Average p             0.5435777  0.04643944 0.08543294
N in covered region 228.1182639 24.21314095 0.10614293

# Check goodness-of-fit 
ddf.gof(, main="PI trial configutation\nGolfTee DS model sex")
Goodness of fit of point independence model with sex covariate in the distance sampling component and distance, sex and exposure in the mr component.

Figure 7: Goodness of fit of point independence model with sex covariate in the distance sampling component and distance, sex and exposure in the mr component.

Goodness of fit results for ddf object

Chi-square tests

Distance sampling component:
             [0,0.4] (0.4,0.8]  (0.8,1.2] (1.2,1.6]   (1.6,2]
Observed  25.0000000 16.000000 16.0000000 22.000000  9.000000
Expected  21.9165416 20.740242 18.6299046 15.975863 13.181194
Chisquare  0.4338146  1.083396  0.3712525  2.271566  1.326313
              (2,2.4] (2.4,2.8] (2.8,3.2] (3.2,3.6]  (3.6,4]
Observed  10.00000000 12.000000  9.000000  3.000000 2.000000
Expected  10.55317365  8.260839  6.353756  4.809648 3.578838
Chisquare  0.02899612  1.692483  1.102121  0.680887 0.696519
Observed  124.000000
Expected  124.000000
Chisquare   9.687346

P = 0.20699 with 7 degrees of freedom

Mark-recapture component:
Capture History 01
             [0,0.4]  (0.4,0.8] (0.8,1.2]  (1.2,1.6]   (1.6,2]
Observed  1.00000000 2.00000000 2.0000000 6.00000000 5.0000000
Expected  0.85161169 1.61345653 1.5784634 6.25617270 4.2054953
Chisquare 0.02585579 0.09260606 0.1125735 0.01048955 0.1500983
           (2,2.4]  (2.4,2.8]  (2.8,3.2] (3.2,3.6]   (3.6,4]
Observed  2.000000 6.00000000 6.00000000  2.000000 6.0000000
Expected  4.014580 6.11790214 6.76552359  1.599467 4.9973276
Chisquare 1.010948 0.00227217 0.08661952  0.100300 0.2011779
Observed  38.000000
Expected  38.000000
Chisquare  1.792941
Capture History 11
               [0,0.4]    (0.4,0.8]   (0.8,1.2]    (1.2,1.6]
Observed  21.000000000 15.000000000 16.00000000 20.000000000
Expected  21.148388313 15.386543475 16.42153664 19.743827301
Chisquare  0.001041171  0.009710814  0.01082074  0.003323796
             (1.6,2]   (2,2.4]   (2.4,2.8] (2.8,3.2] (3.2,3.6]
Observed  8.00000000 8.0000000 9.000000000 5.0000000 1.0000000
Expected  8.79450467 5.9854201 8.882097863 4.2344764 1.4005328
Chisquare 0.07177638 0.6780697 0.001565048 0.1383941 0.1145468
            (3.6,4]      Total
Observed  1.0000000 104.000000
Expected  2.0026724 104.000000
Chisquare 0.5020052   1.531254

MR total chi-square = 3.3242  P = 0.76719 with 6 degrees of freedom

Total chi-square = 13.012  P = 0.44692 with 13 degrees of freedom

Distance sampling Cramer-von Mises test (unweighted)
Test statistic = 0.081285 p-value = 0.684457

# Get abundance estimates <- dht(, region.table=region,
                    sample.table=samples, obs.table=obs)

Summary for clusters

Summary statistics:
  Region Area CoveredArea Effort   n  k        ER      se.ER
1      1 1040        1040    130  72  6 0.5538462 0.02926903
2      2  640         640     80  52  5 0.6500000 0.08292740
3  Total 1680        1680    210 124 11 0.5904762 0.03884115
1 0.05284685
2 0.12758061
3 0.06577936

  Label Estimate       se         cv       lcl      ucl       df
1     1 125.7678 12.50318 0.09941474 102.97943 153.5991 43.66336
2     2 102.3504 17.53163 0.17129022  68.75817 152.3544  7.39421
3 Total 228.1183 25.15323 0.11026399 182.12573 285.7254 28.04581

  Label  Estimate         se         cv        lcl       ucl       df
1     1 0.1209306 0.01202229 0.09941474 0.09901868 0.1476914 43.66336
2     2 0.1599226 0.02739317 0.17129022 0.10743464 0.2380538  7.39421
3 Total 0.1357847 0.01497216 0.11026399 0.10840817 0.1700746 28.04581

Summary for individuals

Summary statistics:
  Region Area CoveredArea Effort   n       ER     se.ER      cv.ER
1      1 1040        1040    130 229 1.761538 0.1165805 0.06618107
2      2  640         640     80 152 1.900000 0.3342319 0.17591151
3  Total 1680        1680    210 381 1.814286 0.1391400 0.07669132
  mean.size   se.mean
1  3.180556 0.2086982
2  2.923077 0.2261991
3  3.072581 0.1537082

  Label Estimate       se        cv      lcl      ucl        df
1     1 395.0545 36.33952 0.0919861 329.0883 474.2437 79.295718
2     2 299.7763 65.43242 0.2182709 175.5600 511.8809  5.685148
3 Total 694.8307 84.25554 0.1212605 537.2145 898.6908 15.167370

  Label  Estimate         se        cv       lcl       ucl        df
1     1 0.3798601 0.03494185 0.0919861 0.3164310 0.4560035 79.295718
2     2 0.4684004 0.10223816 0.2182709 0.2743125 0.7998140  5.685148
3 Total 0.4135897 0.05015211 0.1212605 0.3197705 0.5349350 15.167370

Expected cluster size
  Region Expected.S se.Expected.S cv.Expected.S
1      1   3.141141     0.2081675    0.06627130
2      2   2.928920     0.1866200    0.06371633
3  Total   3.045923     0.1371508    0.04502767

This model estimated an abundance of 695, which is closest to the true value of all the models - it is still less than the true value indicating, perhaps, some unmodelled heterogeneity on the trackline (or perhaps just bad luck - remember this was only one survey).

Was this complex modelling worthwhile? In this case, the estimated \(p(0)\) for the best model was 0.97 (which is very close to 1). If we ran a conventional distance sampling analysis, pooling the data from the two observers, we should get a very robust estimate of true abundance.

Buckland, S. T., Laake, J. L., & Borchers, D. L. (2010). Double-observer line transect methods: Levels of independence. Biometrics, 66, 169–177.

Laake, J., Borchers, D., Thomas, L., Miller, D., & Bishop, J. (2019). Mrds: Mark-recapture distance sampling.